Master in Business Events Management (Il3 Universitat de Barcelona)

The Dual  Degree in Business Events Management is a year program designed entirely for pursuing a successfully career in events management with a collaboration between INSA Business School (Barcelona,Spain) and the Il3 Universitat de Barcelona.

The organization of events is an important tool to strengthen and build the links between business, society and the media. For this to be an advantage it is necessary to consider many aspects and be well prepared for it. Organizations require skilled professionals in the public relations area that offer strategic and dynamic management, in order to promote corporate development.

  • Objetivos
  • Destinatarios
  • Salidas profesionales
  • Programa
  • Evaluación y acreditación


To train professionals who can manage institutional and public relations. Generate a global impact worldwide through a well knowledge and updated techniques.


Become acquainted with a creative and systematic pursuer of organizational goals within the events industry. Understand and apply techniques for managing working public relations and event management.


Educate and train professionals to generate impact on protocol and any communication business procedures.





– Graduates and professionals who wish to broaden their knowledge.

– Experienced professionals who want to take on new tasks and responsibilities.

– Companies seeking staff expertise.

– Graduates in Vocational Intermediate or Higher Grade seeking practical preparation to enter the workforce.



Salidas profesionales




Events Manager: Corporate and Institutional Events Director
Event Companies and Agencies
Business Communication: Corporate and Institutional Communicator
Public Relations and Protocol offices and divisions.
Communicator Director (DirCom)
Professional Freelance in Management and Organization Events
Public and Private Institutions.

Events Management Career



• Public relations in business strategy
• Oral communication techniques and presentations
• Public Relations
• Corporate Communication
• Internal Communication
• External Communication
• Relationship with the Media
• Crisis Management
• Public Relations Campaigns
• Organization of Events
• Lecture
• Final Project

Evaluación y acreditación

Provides students the opportunity to pursue two degrees,  at two different Educational Institutions in one year, giving students the opportunity for a truly global perspective.

The plan has a multidisciplinary vision and it will be held by alternating practical situations and theoretical concepts. You will generate unique and creative solutions while empowering yourself in competitive contexts and must elaborate and present a final Master project.

After completing the program, the student receives the following diplomas issued by the partners´s Educational Institutions:





University of Barcelona: Master Formación Permanente in Business Events Management
INSA Business School: Master in Business Events Management