Master in Digital Marketing and Customer Experience
Due to the great demand in the labour market INSA offers studies in Digital & Social Media Marketing. The large amount of information that users receive, at the same time that is generated in companies and the information that we have from the users profile, makes it necessary to have a specialists able to send the desired message through the most convenient channel to the final customer.
So far, there were not many studies in this area until recently when it was considered a specialization. In this sense, companies themselves demand young profiles, already born in the digital age, able to understand and move fast through the network and formed in a communication and digital environment.
- Objectives
- Recipients
- Professional outings
- Program
- Evaluation and accreditation
The objective of Digital & Social Media Marketing Studies is to train professionals to develop a Marketing Plan, Communication Strategies and Actions that can be applied to the current Digital Environment.
For this, the student should be able to integrate the knowledge of Company, Marketing, Advertising, Communication, Design, New Technologies and Social Networks.
The studies are intended for all those who want to learn specific skills and develop their professional career in the field of digital communication, and marketing in digital media.
The students can proceed from Baccalaureate or Vocational Training Cycles or people who are in the working world but want to obtain the appropriate training for the development of functions in these areas.
INSA has its own admission process so that access is not dependent on prior qualifications.
The main job opportunities, among others:
– Advertising Agencies
– Department of Marketing
– Public Relations Cabinets
– Centralized media
– Business Management
– Graphic design advertising
– Web Design
– Department of Communication
– Communication Consulting
INSA offers the possibility of internships in companies during the period of delivery of the Master’s.
The course will cover the following blocks per year:
1st Course
Administración de Empresas
MK Conceptual
Estadística I
Comunicación Empresarial
Herramientas TIC para Entornos Digitales
Estrategias de MK I
Contabilidad I
Investigación e Innovación
Ofimática aplicada al Marketing y la Comunicación
Técnicas de Comunicación Escrita
Introducción a Entornos Digitales
Técnicas de Comunicación Oral
2nd Course
Estrategias de Marketing II
Comunicación Interna
Campañas de Comunicación
Estrategias de Publicidad y Promoción
Marketing Directo, Relacional & Interactivo
Relación con los Medios de Comunicación (Redacción Periodística)
Herramientas TIC en Entornos Digitales II
Plan de Marketing
Gestión de la Innovación
Finanzas aplicadas al Marketing
Dirección y Gestión Comercial – Ventas
Redacción Publicitaria
Redes Sociales
Diseño Gráfico y Diseño Web I
Técnicas de. Comunicación Oral II
3rd Course
Plan de Mk Digital
Redacción y Gestión de Contenidos para entornos Digitales
Comunicación Digital
Mk de Buscadores SEO / SEM
Diseño Gráfico y Diseño Web II
Legislación y Privacidad en Entornos Digitales
Emprender en Entornos Digitales
Mk Mobile
MK Intelligence I
Proyecto Final
Habilidades Directivas
Tcas. De Comunicación Oral III
4th year (MASTER)
The fourth course is the one of specialization and the students must choose between the specialization of Social Media and Community Manager or the Digital Marketing through one of our Masters.
The program evaluation system is based on continuous assessment of each of the subjects through class attendance and / or examination, so that the student must have passed each subject independently.
After successfully testing and evaluation of the program as long as there is the minimum attendance required, students may spend the next year and completed four years will obtain the title of Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing (Business Communication) Studies and Master in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing (Business Communication) INSA Business, Marketing & Communication School.