Cómo el Big Data puede ser útil a tu negocio. Entrevista a Madalina Burghelea.
Hemos entrevistado a Madalina Burghelea especialista en Big Data, la nueva “ciencia” que recopila, gestiona y organiza la gran cantidad de datos que se generan con las nuevas tecnologías para poder tomar las mejores decisiones en cada momento. Madalina es profesora del Master en Big Data & Data Intelligence de INSA, y nos cuenta un […]
5 Productive Things to do in Vacations
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Everyone loves vacation time, having time to relax or to sleep more, but when they start getting long…. can become a little boring. If you are a student or a working person here is a short list of productive things you can do for your own benefit.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] 1.Explore new places [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”9214″ img_size=”600×100″ alignment=”right”][/vc_column][vc_column […]
Choosing a Bachelor’s Degree
Choosing the right one Bachelor´s Degree is an important decision that effects the whole your future life. Nowadays there is such a huge variety of programs that it is easy to get lost within the names. For instance, do you know what does LL.B mean? In order to help you we have prepared the following helpful […]
Visita y Seminario AECOC
Nuestros alumnos de 3er curso de las Carreras Superiores de Comunicación Empresarial, Dirección Comercial & Marketing y Dirección & Gestión de Empresas, junto a los alumnos que cursan el MBA y el Master en Dirección de Marketing & Gestión Comercial realizaron una visita a AECOC. AECOC es una de las mayores asociaciones empresariales de España. El objetivo de vista fué conocer de la mano de […]
Coffee Time with Agnese Diana
This week we interview one of our Buisness and Marketing Bachelor students, Agnese Diana. She is from Italy and came to Barcelona in order not only to study marketing, but also, to learn foreign languages and have a lifetime experience. We are proud to share a piece of the daily life of this perseverant and ambitious girl. 1.- […]
Looking for Interships?
In today’s competitive market, interships are a must-have on every applicant’s resume. That’s why INSA helps and encourage students to have a work experience while studying. Also our school has successfully developed an ambitious external work experience program through the conclusion of agreements with companies, professionals and institutions. According to each student’s profile and skills […]
Next Tuesday May 7 at 19:00
Next Tuesday May 7 at 19:00 will take place in INSA the Conference: “Crowdfunding: new funding option for entrepreneurs” In which we explain, how to the difficulties of access to credit and to the growing need of financing projects and social entrepreneurial spirit, there is a new option: crowdfunding. What is it? How does it […]
How Big Data may be useful to your business. Interview with Madalina Burghelea.
We interviewed Madalina Burghelea specialist in Big Data, the new “science” that collects, manages and organizes the vast amount of data generated with the new technologies to make the best decisions at all times. Madalina is professor of Master in Big Data & Data Intelligence of INSA, and tells us a little about what they […]
La importancia de las prácticas laborales
Tras el verano y las vacaciones, con las pilas cargadas, volvemos a nuestras actividades. Pero el verano para algunos no ha sido sinónimo de playa, ocio y descanso. Muchos han aprovechado la oportunidad para aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos durante el año y añadir experiencia profesional en su currículo. Nuestra alumna Carla Ibáñez, de 3er año […]
Coaching y PNL empresarial – Entrevista a Maite Granell
Maite Granell es Life & Executive Coach, Trainer en P.N.L. y profesora de INSA, además de Publicista y RRPP. El objetivo de Maite es que a través del autoconocimiento, las personas construyan una vida más valiosa y satisfactoria, y que las organizaciones concedan un lugar central al ser humano para disfrutar de un mayor bienestar […]