INSA is characterized for having students of more than 25 different nationalities contributing to the programs an added value being able to learn of the different ways of seeing and doing of other countries. If you are from outside of Spain and want to come to study at INSA Barcelona you must follow these steps, depending if you are native to the Union Europe or not.
A) Renovation Of The Visa
If you want to renew your student visa, you have to get in touch with insa@insabarcelona.com and we will explain the procedure to you. All our programs comply with the academic requirements (school hours etc.) for the renovation of the visa. In addition, if you have already done a program with INSA, you will have a discount of 50 % in your reservation fee (Only the reservation of the place).
B) International Students (Not European union)
You will have to go to the consulate of Spain in your country with a student visa. Without this visa, you will not be able to proceed later in Spain with your Student card. The requirements to obtain the visa of studies of Spain can change according to your country, so we suggest you consult the steps with the Spanish consulate in your country. This visa has a maximum length of 3 months, and it is important bear in mind that they are in the habit of asking for several requirements, which take time to be obtained, so we recommend making these negotiations with sufficient time in advance.

Census in the province of Barcelona
On having come to Barcelona, the non-community persons will have to register in the Office of Attention to the Citizen (OAC) of his Town hall.
These offices also are of interest for community students since besides the inhabitants’ municipal poll, they also enable permissions linked to traffic vehicles, and offer information about different services such:
- Library
- Civic centers
- Cultural activities
- Bicycle’s registration
- Neighbor’s card
- Furniture collect
Student’s card in Spain
Once in Spain, the student must get his Student’s Card or residence licence in the Delegation of the Government (foreigners’ office) of the Province, in Barcelona.
It is possible to ask for an appointment and the forms also are available at www.mir.es
The documentation that one must present is (it is recommended to check the documents through the web of the Delegation of the Government):
- Completed Form of request
- Original and photocopy of
- Passport
- Original and photocopy of
- the student’s Visa
- Photocopy of the Stamp of entry or plane ticket
- Letter of admission or acceptance as student at INSA
Health coverage
It is advised, to the foreign student body admitted into INSA that he should ask on any bilateral agreement that could exist between the government of his native land and the Spanish. These agreements normally allow persons to reside legally in Spanish territory, the right to benefits like, for example, those of the Spanish social security (medical assistance). Without this, it will be obligatory to contract a medical private insurance.
In this matter, INSA has reached an agreement with AVI-INTERNATIONAL to be able to facilitate appropriate medical insurance to our students. Also it is possible to contract an insurance with any Mutual insurance centre and then to know to what centers and clinics of Barcelona it is possible to go to if necessary, and under what conditions.
C) International Students (European Union)
The students of the European Union also will have to get his Community Student Card if the period of studies is longer than 3 months. The procedure is similar for non-community students. In addition, students proceeding from countries of the European Union should obtain the European Health Card before coming to Spain (that replaces the documents E-128 and E-111) and it will allow them to access public medical centers like Spanish citizens. It is more difficult to obtain it once in Spain.