
Our INSA bachelor students have been able to participate in a Focus Group organized by the Clipper Company.

Our INSA bachelor students have been able to participate in a Focus Group organized by the Clipper Company. The managers of this dynamic were Bea Carrillo – Communication Executive and  former student of INSA and Lara Ferrero – Image & Communication Manager of Clipper.

For the students it has been a hands on experience on what is explained to them in a master class. They have been able to see how a Focus Group is organized and carried out. They have also realized the usefulness of this dynamic as a sample to obtain extrapolatable and real results.

The Clipper company initially determined the target which they wanted to adress the dynamics to. Its purpose was to obtain data to update their brand message and directly alienate it with the most relevant benefits for its consumers. The objective of this dynamic was to answer questions such as, what does the user look for in a lighter? Or what characteristics are those that matter and make the costumer decide wich brand should they trust.

We want to thank the Clipper company, and also give a special thank to Bea Carrillo and Lara Ferrero for the opportunity they have given to our students by making them participate in this dynamic. We hope that the obtained results will allow them to achieve their objectives.